Saturday, October 23, 2010

New Purchase: Asian to Global Crisis - Sheng

From Asian to Global Financial Crisis by Andrew Sheng

I just picked up a copy of this book today at PageOne in Taipei 101. Am looking to try to understand the current financial crisis we currently find ourselves in. The book looks like a pretty detailed account by a central banker in HK who was in the middle of the Asian financial crisis way back in 1997. I remember when I first came to Taiwan to teach English at the end of 19998 many teachers had fled Korea due to the currency collapse at that time. It seems so long ago though now and seems to have been swept aside in terms of people memories as to what caused it and where it came from. I decided to buy the book as it seems to link the gap between the crisis then and the crisis now and will hopefully help to explain how the crisis developed and grew. Sadly though this is on the back of a long list of books I am currently catching up on (and some of them are pretty lengthy). Hopefully I can get to this one in a month or so. I am looking forward to it. Should be a good read.

You can read the first chapter on at the prodcut page linked below.

Buy from Amazon @ From Asian to Global Financial Crisis: An Asian Regulator's View of Unfettered Finance in the 1990s and 2000s

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